[05-20-2024] Calaveras County, CA – Possible Injuries Reported Following Two-Vehicle Head-On Collision in Arnold
Possible injuries were reported following a two-vehicle head-on collision in Arnold, Calaveras County, on Monday morning, May 20, 2024. According to the California Highway Patrol, the crash happened around 11:30 a.m. on Highway 4 near Shirewood Lane. Authorities stated that two vehicles were involved, including a Porsche sports car and a Dodge pickup truck. Possible […]
[05-08-2024] Calaveras County, CA – Father, 14-Year-Old Daughter, Hospitalized After Motorcycle Vs. Vehicle Hit-And-Run Crash Near Rancho Calaveras
A father and his 14-year-old daughter were hospitalized after a motorcycle vs. vehicle hit-and-run crash near Rancho Calaveras, Calaveras County, on Wednesday night, May 8, 2024. According to the Calaveras Consolidated Fire, the incident occurred around Highway 26 and Olive Orchard Road. Officials said that a man was riding a motorcycle with his daughter along […]
[03-18-2024] Calaveras County, CA – Motorcyclist Killed, Passenger Hospitalized After Motorcycle Vs. Vehicle Crash Near West Point
A motorcyclist was killed while his passenger was hospitalized after a motorcycle vs. vehicle crash near West Point, Calaveras County, on Monday afternoon, March 18, 2024. According to the California Highway Patrol, the fatal incident occurred at around 3:00 p.m. on Highway 26 at Rabbits Foot Road between Glencoe and Wilseyville. Officers said that the motorcyclist, […]
[09-28-2023] Calaveras County, CA – Minor Injuries Reported After Two-Vehicle Head-On Crash Near Murphys
Minor injuries were reported after a two-vehicle head-on crash near Murphys, Calaveras County, on Thursday morning, September 28, 2023. According to the CHP Traffic Incident Information Page, the authorities responded to the crash around 8:37 a.m. on School Street in Copperopolis. Authorities stated that the collision occurred when one vehicle crossed the center line and […]
[09-22-2023] Calaveras County, CA – One Passenger Injured Following Drunk Boating Crash in Copperopolis
One passenger was injured following a drunk boating crash in Copperopolis, Calaveras County, as reported on Friday, September 22, 2023. According to the Calaveras Sheriff’s Office, the incident happened on a privately owned beach within Lake Tulloch, west of the O’Byrnes Ferry Bridge. A 21-year-old boat driver named David F. crashed a 23-foot 2001 International […]
[09-06-2023] Calaveras County, CA – Two Pedestrians Injured After Being Struck by Vehicle in Valley Springs
Two pedestrians were injured after being struck by a vehicle in Calaveras County on Wednesday morning, September 6, 2023. According to the California Highway Patrol, the crash was reported around 7:38 a.m. on Daphne Street near Pine Street. Authorities stated that a vehicle struck the two pedestrians, resulting in unknown injuries. They were taken by […]
[09-02-2023] Calaveras County, CA – Minor Injuries Reported Following Multi-Vehicle Collision in Angel’s Camp
A multi-vehicle collision caused minor injuries in Angel’s Camp on Saturday noon, September 2, 2023. According to the California Highway Patrol, the collision happened around 12:00 p.m. along Highway 49 near the Mecham Ranch Road intersection. Three vehicles were involved, including a Toyota pickup truck and two unidentified compact vehicles. It is currently unclear how […]